Linguaphone Children’s English (LCE) is a 6 level program, for students from the Lower KG to Grade 4. It provides a total of 360 hours of study. It fits in very well with the Primary curriculum that has moved towards themes, topics and activities. It is based on the principles of Multiple Intelligences and the 7 Smarts , with a specific focus on gaining confidence in Spoken English.
1. TOPIC BOOKS and audio cassettes introduce language, concepts, and ideas in new ways.
2. STORY BOOKS and audio cassettes reinforce the language introduced earlier in a memorable and enjoyable way.
3. ACTIVITY BOOKS practice the language taught in the Topic and Story Books.
4. HANDWRITING BOOKS lay the foundation of good writing through a unique system developed by the world’s leading authority Dr. Rosemary Sasson.
5. A SONG BOOK and CASSETTE add to the fun of using English.
6. A PICTURE DICTIONARY that is built around themes, and covers all the 1300 words in LCE.
7. BOARD GAMES introduce the element of play based on the content and language of the stories.
8. A PARENT TEACHER GUIDE that provides a road map through the entire course.
** Good condition
Price include Courier Express Service Charge.