If your little toddler is learning to rock, this is the perfect puppy to practice on!
This adorable puppy rocker is safe for little ones and cute as can be.
* Large rocker has a high-back seat
* Easy-grip handles and a textured seat and foot area to reduce slipping
* Soft fabric ears, cute nose and large eyes give it a personality all its own
Product in Inches (L x W x H): 32.5 x 11.0 x 15.5
Assembled in Country of Origin: USA
Origin of Components: USA
This friendly-faced puppy is just "doggone" fun to ride and may help little ones with balance and muscle coordination skills!
* Fabric ears for softie play.
* High-back, textured seat to keep baby upright.
* Easy grip handles for small hands, and special no-slip foot area.
* Ages 12 to 36 months.
Condition: 9/10